Saturday 14 June 2014



The connection between abortion and its after effects on men, women, and society has long been established, yet still the call is for more abortion, more sexual immorality and more death. 
The family is under severe attack from many fronts; however, the most insidious is the now legal and lethal assault on pre born children demanded by their own parents.   These are now the most vulnerable members of society, because in the womb they are unseen, unprotected, and those designed to protect and nurture them have become their judges and executioners. 
Past history tells us those societies where children were offered as sacrifice to the gods of their day have perished.  Perhaps our society with its technological advances has become the most primitive of all because our advanced knowledge has not been used to protect life but rather how to easily dispose of it.  The ensuing collective guilt has instilled a projected self-hate, provoking individuals and groups to inflict more death on many levels.   The crippling sense of guilt has led to flight via the medium of first denial and then ego satisfaction.

Ultimately what can be said about abortion and the family and society is that abortion deeply wounds the structure called family.  Just as the family of God is held together through the overflow of His  love  so the human family is meant to bind together man and woman by an overflow of their love shown clearly in the image of their child. Abortion is the antithesis of love and plunges the family and humanity into a new state of dehumanisation and de-civilisation.
To heal the family of disenfranchised grief and unacknowledged pain and free them for life must be a goal of all therapy and therapies.  Abortion kills love but an acknowledged and good therapeutic programme can restore love and equilibrium and wholeness and family. This needs to be the goal of the society of our times.
"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act" (G Orwell)

Monday 2 June 2014

For the Children's Sake

Having just returned from Hobart in Tasmania where I attended Emily's Voice Conference I want to say how much heartened I am with those who work for life.
I attended as speaker but there were three other speakers (Paul O'Rourke, CEO of Emily's Voice, Bernadette Black CEO Brave Foundation and Gaye ounsellor)  whose passion for women, and preborn babies is as deep and enduring as mine.  I think as we continue to work together to form a cohort for the Lord  we will be able to see that a difference can be made.
Post abortion grief and trauma exists.  Today this really cannot be denied. Abuse of children exists. This also cannot be denied and a  huge drug culture which seems to have overcome our children also cannot be denied.
I am amazed that it seems that  those children who escaped abortion in the last twenty years are now being lost to the drug "ice." Satan indeed hates our children.
Paul O'Rourke has written a fabulous book called "Why Satan Hates our Children"   which can be purchased from  and is really worth buying because it's important to know and to be informed. It's pointless saying "we didnt know" because we do know and we need to battle for the children and our culture.  Not doing so means an outcome of a whole generation lost to a "war" on children and against children.
Thank you Paul for the invitation to speak at the conference. Thank you to those who gave hospitality and I plead with my readers please please get involved for the children's sake.